deKay's Lofi Gaming

Pokémon Sapphire

Played for ages today, but didn’t actually progress very far. Spent most of my time leveling up my Aron, Zigzagoon (which is now a Linoone), and a Whismur I caught (and is now something else, but I can’t remember what). Had a few attempts at defeating the Electricity Gym Leader, and finally beat him, gaining the badge he had. That meant I could use Rock Smash, finally, which let me into two areas – one I’d already been (I’d just …

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS)

With Touch Detective out of the way, it was time to move on to yet another DS game. And it isn’t exactly what I was expecting… I thought, considering both it’s pedigree and reviews I’ve read, that Rocket Slime was going to be an RPG. But it seems that it isn’t. It’s a sort of arcade adventure with puzzles, not unlike Zelda, but with a little bit of Pokémon mentality chucked in. My character (the big blue slime on the …